Access to Club Scopes. We'll show you how to use them and let you borrow them for your own use.
Camaraderie of other Astronomers. We have members who have been with the club for decades as well as other new members like you. We are a fun (and sometimes wacky) bunch who have a great time at all of our events.
Discount to CSP. The CT Star Party, hosted by ASNH each year, is the largest (and best) astronomical event in the State of CT each year. With dozens of scopes, astronomers, great speakers, good food and good friends, you cannot miss this event.
ASNH Astronomy 101 Class. We had our inaugural class in 2010 with rave reviews from students and instructors alike. Taught by seasoned members of the club, both experienced and newbie members were taught things they didn't know (or had forgotten). Subject matter included telescopes, eyepieces, how to use a sky chart, astronomical terms, and just what are you looking at in the sky. Attendance is encouraged and free to all members of the club.
The opportunity to bring the sciences to students throughout the state. Who knows, we may be responsible for that one kid who becomes the first person to discover life on another planet. Or maybe, they become a lifetime member of the club.
Access to Club Meteorites (not for borrowing). ASNH has a meteorite collection that we share with the public at our events. Be a volunteer at our events and help out teaching others about Rocks from Outer Space.
Access to the knowledge of the rest of the club. We have members who specialize in astro-photography, radio astronomy, meteorites, telescope making as well as being experts at what is in the night sky. Share your knowledge and learn with the best.