President’s Message
By Greg Barker
As we near the end of our 87th year, we’ve been super busy, and I’m thrilled to tell you about all the amazing events we’ve been involved in. From Hammonasset to Silver Sands, Young’s Park to Cold Spring Farm in Colchester, and even the Durham Fair, we’ve made a great impression on many groups. They’re already asking us to host star parties for 2025, and I can’t wait to see you all there!
Astronomically we had an unbelievable year, a total solar eclipse, a couple of auroras, and a naked eye comet (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS).
CSP34 was a blast, and the weather was perfect. I hope you all had a great time as well.
Many thanks to all our volunteers who make all our events so successful.
Looking ahead to 2025, we’ve already got 23 events on the calendar, and CSP35 is set for late September.
Wishing you all clear skies for the new year!
ASNH at the Durham Fair, Friday September 27
Along with two other astronomy clubs (Shoreline Astronomical Society and Thames Amateur Astronomy Society), members of ASNH participated in the astronomy exhibit at the Durham Fair. Inside, the ASNH meteorite collection was on display, and outside there was solar observing until it clouded over in the mid-afternoon. Members participating included Greg and Cheryl Barker, Andy and Shelly Buynak, and Don Straka.