Recent ASNH Activities and News
by Donna Pursley
Silver Sands Public Observing Session, Friday, June 27
We had a pretty good crowd before it was dark. It was mostly cloudy so we started with Saturn and Mars. Later on it cleared up and we were able to see a few star clusters and double stars. There were about 50-60 people and 4 scopes set up. We packed up around 10:30 pm.
Young’s Park Public Observing Session, Saturday, June 28
Again, we had people there before we set up. And again, it was mostly cloudy. There were about 15-20 people and 2 scopes set up. This time, most of the people were very interested and enthusiastic about what we showed them and stayed a long time in spite of the mosquitos. And, just like Friday, it cleared up later on. We were able to see Mars, Saturn, M13, M4, M29, M27, M57 and other star clusters and doubles and the brighter stars. We left around 10:30 pm.
Stellafane 2014, July 24-27
Stellafane is the Springfield Telescope Makers annual convention and is held in Springfield, VT under dark skies. Stellafane gives out awards for telescope making. There are two main competitions: optical, where the entrants grind their own mirrors, and mechanical, where the entrant has built the telescope.
This year there were two entrants from ASNH. Amiee and Claire Chang, daughters of Sandy Chang, entered a 6-inch f/8.5 Dobsonian. They won First Place Optical (Junior), and First Place Mechanical (Junior). Congratulations Amiee and Claire!!

Stellafane award winners Amiee and Claire Chang
Ivano Dal Prete entered a 4½-inch f/9 Newtonian that was similar to the Bob Carruther’s scopes. The design has crutches for legs and uses a salad bowl mount. Ivano had made his own modifications to the original design. He also entered a simple to make filter wheel.
Andy Poniros was this year’s Shadowgram speaker. He did a very nice tribute to John Dobson. Andy knew John very well and mentioned items that I never knew about him.
We had three nights of observing and three dry days. Thursday was a clear night but it was very wet. Dew heaters were set on high but the skies were clear and we were able to find pretty much everything that we looked for. Friday would have been clear but there was smoke from forest fires that made a haze over the entire sky. Saturday’s forecast was calling for 100% clouds and rain. During the day almost everyone packed up their scopes. But, after the evening program the sky cleared. I set up my scope and was able to see M51 for the first time with the help of a few friends (Chris Predom and Arizona Jack).
I saw about a half a dozen members from ASNH there at Stellafane. It is a big site so I might have missed a few. There were also members of the Westport, Stratford and Hartford clubs that we run into once in a while.
Summer Solstice Picnic 2014
By Ray Kaville
Greg and Cheryl arrived before noon and set up the event with the park rangers. Within five minutes we were unloading the vehicles and starting the charcoal fire for cooking.
It was a spectacular day! Clear and dry with a beautiful breeze blowing through the trees. We carried a couple of tables back into the pavillion (all 12 were outside for some reason). Soon we were filling the seats with about two dozen club members from all points around CT. Allan S. brought his amazing new solar scope and shared spectacular views of our closest star. We had music and singing, lots of chat and lots of laughs along with a TON of great food! Salads, chips and dips of all kinds, fruit, desserts, and hot and cold drinks. Cheryl, Greg and Chris P. manned the grill which we started with a new charcoal starter (no petrochemicals!) so the dogs, burgers and grilled chicken tasted extra delicious.
Thank you to our BOD members and all who helped to make this wonderful relaxing day, and thank you to all our new and old friends for attending and bringing your tasty treats for us to share. I look forward to seeing you all at our next solstice party!