These two pages include images of some popular winter deep-sky targets, taken by ASNH members.

Messier 42 and 43 (the Orion Nebula) and NGC 1422 (the Running Man Nebula, on left). Photo by Leo Taylor (Orion ST-80, SBIG ST4000XCM, 1 min x 54 exposures and 20 secx 43 exposures).
NGC 2024 (Flame Nebula) and B 33 (Horsehead Nebula) in Orion. Photo by Leo Taylor (Stellarvue Nighthawk, SBIG ST4000XCM, 3 min x 38 exposures).

NGC 891, an edge-on galaxy in Andromeda. Photo by Leo Taylor (Meade 2080 8-inch f/10 SCT, f/6.3 reducer, SBIG ST4000XCM, 10 min x 13 exposures).