These two pages display some astronomical images taken by ASNH members. The first three images are of different Moon and planet conjunctions. These are followed by a variety of deep-sky objects.

The Moon and Venus taken through tree branches on March 22, 2015, by Ray Kaville.
Olympus SZ-20 camera, automatic exposure with a zoom lens on a “really cheap flimsy tripod.”

Venus, Mars, and Moon (L to R), Feb 20, 2015, by Leo Taylor.
Pentax K100 Super, 300 mm Tamron Zoom, 1/30 sec.
Jitter due to Cameraman error!

Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, May 2013. by Leo Taylor.
Mercury is upper right, Venus lower right, Jupiter left center.
Pentax K100D DSLR, Tandon 200MM Zoom

Messier 46 Cluster and NGC 2438 Nebula in Puppis, by Leo Taylor.
Meade 2080 8 in f/10 SCT, f 6.3 Reducer, SBIG ST-4000XCM, 3 min * 13 exposures.

NGC 4013 Galaxy in Ursa Major, by Leo Taylor.
Meade 2080 8 in SCT, SBIG ST4000XCM, 5 min * 18 exposures.