

These two pages display some astronomical images taken by ASNH members.

Richard Asarisi describes how he took this image of International Space Station passing in front of the Sun:
Pat Maturo and I were fortunate enough to catch the ISS transit the Sun on 5/4 at 8:34am EDT.  We grabbed the information for this from CalSky, over 5 days the path of the transit center line moved 3 times.  We were lucky enough to find a cemetery in Naugatuck that was right on the line. I took this with my Nikon D4 and 600mm lens with a 1.4x teleconvertor, made it 850mm Full Frame with a Baader filter. This is created from 11 frames registered and stacked in PhotoShop CC. I added a little color to make it look more natural.

ISS transit-Asarisi
Combining a new camera with an old telescope, Al Sacharow demonstrated the versatility of modern point-and-shoot cameras.  Sacharow writes:  “The camera is a Nikon Coolpix 9900 and the scope is an ancient Criterion 6″ f/8.  I just held the camera to the eyepiece and pressed the shutter button.”  Below are his picture of the Moon, and the telescope.


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