
Gallery, page 2

Jim Mazur used a 14″ Meade LX850 telescope and an SBIG ST-8300M imager to capture some springtime galaxies:

Spiral galaxy Messier 106 in Canes Venatici, and to its upper right, NGC 4248.

Spiral galaxy Messier 106 in Canes Venatici, and to its upper right, NGC 4248.

Larger image of Messier 106

Four galaxies in Leo with distinctly different shapes.  From left to right, they are: NGC 3193, an elliptical galaxy; NGC 3190, a spiral galaxy viewed nearly edge-on; NGC 3187, with an angular "S" shape, and 3185, with an outer ring and a central bar.  Several smaller galaxies are also visible.

Four galaxies in Leo with distinctly different shapes. From left to right, they are: NGC 3193, an elliptical galaxy; NGC 3190, a spiral galaxy viewed nearly edge-on; NGC 3187, with an angular “S” shape; and NGC 3185, with an outer ring and a central bar. Several smaller galaxies are also visible.

Larger image of NGC 3190 group

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