Monthly Meetings on Zoom
Beginning in July, ASNH has held virtual monthly meetings on Zoom. We will continue use this format for monthly meetings through at least the rest of 2020. A week or two before each meeting, members will receive an email announcement with a link that will allow them to connect to the online meeting.
Just click the link or copy and paste in your browser and that will connect you to the meeting. You can do this on any device that has an internet connection and a browser. You can do this on a smart phone. You can display yourself if you like with your selfie camera on your device. If you don’t that’s okay, don’t feel you have to.
There is no dial up number to join the meeting.
Upcoming monthly meetings on Zoom:
Tuesday, October 27, 7:00 pm
Tuesday, November 24, 7:00 pm
Tuesday, December 29, 7:00 pm
Cancellation of Public Events and the 2020 Connecticut Star Party
Because of COVID-19, all of our public observing events have been cancelled through the rest of 2020.
Similarly, this year’s Connecticut Star Party was cancelled. We look forward to holding the 30th CSP in September 2021.
In Memoriam: Michael Peter Dzubaty
June 4, 1947 – August 24, 2020

The Astronomical Society of New Haven has lost one of its long time members of more than 35 years. Michael Peter Dzubaty passed away suddenly on August 24th, 2020. Mike was born on June 24,1947 in Buffalo, NY. He attended Trinity College, Oklahoma University and Heidelburg University.
Mike was an original member of the ASNH group that planned and carried out the creation of “The Connecticut Star Party”, now in its 30th year, originally located at Camp Bobriwka Ukrainian Camp, Colebrook, CT. Mike was very instrumental in making arrangements for our club to use the site for many years.
Mike regularly attended and helped out at many of the Society’s public events whether it was at Eel’s Hill, Bethany Observatory, local school programs or many of the public outreach programs the Society supported. Mike could be found at many astronomical gatherings like Stellafane, AstroAssembly and StarConn. Mike was always willing to listen, learn and was always ready to lend a helping hand. His knowledge of astronomy led him to win many of the Astronomy Quizzes, given at the annual “Winter Solstice” dinner.
Mike’s cheery grin and gentle disposition will be missed by all and his spirit will live on in all our hearts and minds. Good night Mike and clear skies!
Al Washburn