Meteorite Extravaganza at Westport Observatory!
By Al Washburn
On the evening of July 19, 2022, the ASNH participated in an evening consecrated to the discussion of meteorites, in the clubhouse, at the Westport Observatory, 182 Bayberry Lane, Westport, CT.
The ASNH was invited to present its collection along with others during their regular monthly meeting. It all kicked off shortly after 8 pm after a few general meeting items were covered.
The main presenter, past president and Westport Astronomical Society member Cal Powell, currently visiting from Virginia, had an impressive number of samples on display. His presentation started with a very informative Powerpoint about the different classifications, qualities and characteristics of meteorites, including how to collect and cautions in buying them.
Following Mr. Powell was Stefan Nicolescu from Yale University, who presented some very nice specimens, one of which was a thin section, illuminated from below to show off a spectacular translucent green inclusion. He also mentioned some very interesting meteorite stories.
Next, Greg Barker, Cheryl Barker and myself were introduced, whereupon Greg spoke of the upcoming Connecticut Star Party. Next, I spoke of the Society’s collection and how we acquired it. I mentioned two special samples in reference to “orientation“ which was mentioned in Cal’s earlier power point. Finally, I presented my personal collection, located on a separate table, set up by my son Michael, who also attended. It was noted that one of my samples, a Pallasite, was collected by Walter Scott Houston.
After all was said and done the floor was opened up to questions and answers of which there were many. Things wrapped up shortly before 10 pm. It was an excellent evening of “Rocks from Outer Space”!