Fred Danowski has been using his 8-inch and 10-inch scopes to capture some excellent images of the Moon and planets. Here are some of the results. Below each image are details about his equipment and processing methods.

12/2/2022, Acquired via FireCapture, @ 35fps.
Equipment: 8″ Orion XT8 Plus, ZWO ASI178MM, QHYCCD IR-cut filter
Processed via: PIPP, Autostakkert, ImPPG for deconvolution magic, finishing touches in GIMP, Topaz (DeNoise, Sharpen, Gigapixel)

11/26/2022, Captured three videos via FireCapture @ 35fps, Shutter 1.0ms, Gain 356
Equipment: 8″ Orion XT8 Plus, QHY5III462C, ZWO ADC, Baader 2.25x Barlow, Baader Neodymium filter
Processed via: PIPP, Autostakkert! w/1.5x Drizzle, Registax for wavelet magic, derotated in WinJUPOS, finishing touches in GIMP, Topaz (DeNoise, Sharpen, Gigapixel)

8/31/2022, @ 60fps, stacked best 33% of 5869 frames
Equipment: 10” Meade LX200 f/6.3 AudioStar (Alt/Az), Nikon D5300, GSO 3x Barlow, Baader Neodymium filter
Processed via: PIPP, Autostakkert! w/1.5x Drizzle, Registax for wavelet magic, finishing touches in GIMP, Topaz (DeNoise, Sharpen, Gigapixel)

12/3/2022, Acquired via FireCapture @ 35fps Shutter 1.0ms, Gain 325, 990 frames
Equipment: 8″ Orion XT8 Plus, QHY5III462C, Baader 2.25x Barlow, Baader Neodymium filter
Processed via: PIPP, Autostakkert! w/1.5x Drizzle, Registax for wavelet magic, finishing touches in GIMP, Topaz (DeNoise, Sharpen, Gigapixel)