Recent Public Outreach Events
By Al Washburn
Meteorites at Hill Central School
On Friday, February 3, 2023 the meteorite collection of the Astronomical Society of New Haven was displayed to teach 5th and 6th graders at Hill Central School, in New Haven, about rocks from space. They learned what can happen when they hit the Earth by the use of a meteorite drop box and had great fun doing this, which can cause quite mess! They used magnets to learn that some meteorites are made of iron and some are not made of iron. By this experience, and a data collection sheet to fill in as they handled the samples, they learned two of the three major meteorite types. The third type was later shown to them, illuminated from below, with it’s brilliant green color glowing! All had a great learning experience.

Meteorites at Milford Public Library
On Thursday, March 9, 2023 the ASNH meteorite collection was displayed at the Milford Public Library. The evening program began with a short introduction and was followed by a Powerpoint presentation of meteorites, their types and qualities. After, attendees were able to view and hold the samples and test them with magnets to determine their type, either metal or stone (non-metal) meteorites and ask questions. The program went from 7 to 8 pm.
Astronomy Night at the Country School
On Thursday, March 3, 2023 ASNH members Laurie Averill, Al Washburn, Jim Mazur, and Carlos Foray set up telescopes at the Madison Country School as part of their “Astronomy Night” program which had a host of activities for students to enjoy. Attendees were able to view a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus as well as a nearly full Moon. Several meteorites were also on display for participants to see and hold. Wesleyan University had a Digitalis portable planetarium running. R.J. Julia Booksellers had astronomy books to view and buy and there was even a taco truck on site. Hazy skies started to creep in as the evening went on, and a beautiful lunar halo could be seen to complete the evening. The event started a 6 pm and wound up at about 8 pm. Earlier in the day, Laurie carried out a scaled solar system planetary walk for the students.