
Reports on the April 8 Solar Eclipse

Stowe, Vermont

By Neal Lewis

Here are a few pictures of the eclipse taken from Stowe, Vermont. All three were taken using a Canon EOS 60D camera at ISO 200, f/8. This was connected to a Canon telephoto zoom lens (recorded at a setting of 340mm). These were saved as JPG files to reduce the file size. The original RAW photos run about 18 MB. All have been processed through Adobe Photoshop (mostly noise reduction). The Moon was moving from lower right to upper left in all photos. I followed the directions in the Sky & Telescope article (from the special eclipse edition) on how to photograph an eclipse. 

Left: 3:26 pm, 1/160 second exposure. Right: 3:28 pm, 1/50 second exposure.
3:29 pm, 1/125 second exposure. The end of totality occurred right after this was taken.

New Haven, Connecticut

By Michael Amato

My friend Rose, her daughter Jenn, and I went to an eclipse party at Yale’s Leitner Observatory to look at the partial solar eclipse. There were about 200-300 people spread out on the grounds of the observatory. Many people came to look at the eclipse through my Sunspotter solar telescope. An interviewer from National Public Radio came by to interview me. Two pictures of me showing people the eclipse in my scope are now on the NPR website. Another interesting thing was the temperature dropped from 63 to 54 as the Moon was covering up the Sun. There was also a fairly large sunspot on the Sun’s face. My brother Anthony took this image of the Sun at the West Haven beach and sent it to me from his location. We had a great time here during the eclipse and everyone applauded during the eclipse maximum coverage. What a great day!

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