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We are pleased and lucky to have the opportunity to celebrate our 34th anniversary of the Connecticut Star Party (CSP) under the clear dark skies of the Edmund D. Strang Scout Reservation in Goshen in northwestern Connecticut. Mark your calendars! CSP-34 will be held from September 06 – 08, 2024.

Camp Strang offers two different observing fields to choose from, all with beautiful dark skies. Each field has its own character, and it’s up to you to choose where you want to set up.”Brownsea Field” has a good-sized flat area near the showers to set up your scopes on. There is a bunk house there with beds to rent, and a porch for you to enjoy, and plenty of room around the field to pitch a tent. “Camporee Field” is the largest of all the fields. It is also the highest elevation (at 1440.29’), and has the best all around views of the horizon in all directions. Camporee is also the most remote and “rustic” of the fields with outdoor latrines available on the edge of the Camporee field. We will have a warming tent near the path to Brownsea. The tent will have snacks, coffee, heat, chairs and tables.

Bunk Housing
All bunks have a mattress but do not have any pillows or sheets so bring your own pillow and a sleeping bag.

We will be providing a limited alternative source of AC to a specific area of the Camporee field on a first come first served basis. The power is for scopes, computers, cameras, and heat emitting diode dew heaters ONLY. This is because the power is limited. Anyone who is using this power beyond what is stated may be asked to leave.

This is a large spread out camp. The walk from the Brownsea Field to the Dining Hall is approximately a 1/2 mile. Camporee is approximately a quarter mile from Brownsea Field, but accessible directly from West Side Road.

Your support of Connecticut Star Party has allowed us to spread the word about the wonders and beauty of astronomy to thousands of people through our public outreach program. ASNH has observed here in the past, and based on common consensus most believe the skies are at least a mag darker than our other locations. It’s very difficult to find a good spot in our state, and we truly believe this is a good one!

ASNH and the CSP Team are very grateful for your attendance, your understanding and your friendship. We sincerely hope hope you enjoy this great location. We thank you for your support!

The ASNH Board of Directors

Solstice Picnic, June 22, 2024, Sleeping Giant Pavilion

By Donna Pursley

The solstice picnic is a great way for everyone to get together without scopes to just sit and enjoy each other’s company. It was a nice combination of about 20 or so long time and recent members. As always, there was plenty of food and drinks. We were in the midst of a heat wave but it was cooler in the pavilion. I think we all stayed put and no one wanted to hike in the heat.

Thanks to our cooks who stood out in the hot sun to bring us the delicious food, we all left with full bellies. When we were leaving, we were starting to hear thunder in the distance. I hope most everyone was able to get home before the rain hit. If any members have never come to a picnic, please consider it next year. It is a great way to meet your fellow members and you don’t even need to talk about astronomy.

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