The Shooting Star Archives
President Greg Barker
(203) 887-0774Vice President David Johnson
(203) 214-5569Secretary Donna Pursley
(203) 214-2229Treasurer Cheryl Barker
(203) 675-1829-
We want your newsletter submissions.
Please send them to: The Astronomical Society of New Haven, Inc.
Is a non-profit, scientific and educational organization which fosters new and continuing interest in amateur astronomy. The general membership meetings are open to the public and attendance is encouraged.
Please feel free to call or email club officers for more information about the club. You can also contact the club
1-866-808-ASNH (2764).ANNUAL DUES
Family Electronic Newsletter
Student Electronic Newsletter
Senior Electronic Newsletter$23.00
Branford Greg Barker
Milford Greg
milfordobschair@asnh.orgMAGAZINE DISCOUNTS
ASNH Members can take advantage of a 10% discount on newsstand rates for both Sky and Telescope and Astronomy Magazines. Please contact the Treasurer to receive this benefit.
Publicity Donna Pursley
Librarian Dave Johnson
Membership Chair Cheryl Barker
Newsletter Jim Mazur
Webmasterr Greg Barker
Image Gallery Leo
gallery@asnh.orgSPECIAL INTEREST
Telescope Making Group Leader
Telescope Caretaker
Board Of Trustees
Andy Buynak
Ray Kaville
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Astronomy. If you know of anyone who would like to become a member, please have them complete an online application form at or print it out and mail payment to:
Treasurer, The Astronomical Society of New Haven
P.O. Box 5078
Milford, CT 06460
Please include:
- Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Special interest you might have in Astronomy (i.e., love to observe, want to learn, want to learn how to use my scope, etc.)
Category Archives: 2023
Connecticut Star Party 33
By Al Washburn
While gearing up for CSP 33, “cloudy skies” were “clearly” in the forecast, as a result of the presence of Hurricane Lee looming ominously off the East Coast. Regardless, ASNH members began arriving on Friday September 15 around 11 am, to begin the roping off of the observing field, setting up directional signs and preparing the main building. At 2 pm the traditional pizza lunch arrived and all took a break. Work continued and by mid-afternoon the camp was ready as people arrived and exchanged hugs, handshakes and greetings with old friends. Dinner was served at 7pm, and later attendees began to wander off to their tents under overcast skies.
Saturday morning greeted clearing skies and an improving forecast. During breakfast, President Greg Barker informed everyone that a bear had been seen in the area. Cheryl Barker’s store was in full swing. The first talk began at 10:30 am, via zoom, with Sean Linden reporting on the latest findings from the James Webb Space Telescope. Lunch was served at noon. At 1 pm, via zoom, Kelly Korreck reported on solar research findings from the Parker Solar Probe. Finally, at 2 pm, Michael Person, in person, yikes!, spoke on using stellar occultations to study small bodies in the outer solar system. The traditional group photo was taken at 4:15 pm followed shortly after by the kids’ raffle. Finally, at 5:15 pm the adult raffle, always an exciting time, began with numerous prizes, large and small. Thanks to all our contributors!
Dinner followed at 6 pm, whereafter many hurried off to their campsites to ready their telescopes, as the darkening skies were beckoning. As observing began, in the late evening twilight, telescope silhouettes abounded when looking west to the setting Sun. Saturn was waiting, already nicely placed for observing. Darkness descended upon us all and observing began in earnest. Mid-evening brought a strange sight with the crossing overhead of a line of Starlink satellites, whose pearl-like chain of bright lights moving across the sky got everyone’s attention. Later, Jupiter’s luminous glow announced his arrival, ascending on the eastern horizon. The skies were clear at this time and the observing carried on. I called it a night at 10:30, after tracking down 22 objects, including planets, M-objects, and double stars, but many continued on into the night.
Sunday brought a beautiful sunrise, breakfast, removal of ropes and signs, cleaning up, packing up and saying goodbye to good friends for another year.