The Shooting Star Archives
President Greg Barker
(203) 887-0774Vice President David Johnson
(203) 214-5569Secretary Donna Pursley
(203) 214-2229Treasurer Cheryl Barker
(203) 675-1829-
We want your newsletter submissions.
Please send them to: The Astronomical Society of New Haven, Inc.
Is a non-profit, scientific and educational organization which fosters new and continuing interest in amateur astronomy. The general membership meetings are open to the public and attendance is encouraged.
Please feel free to call or email club officers for more information about the club. You can also contact the club
1-866-808-ASNH (2764).ANNUAL DUES
Family Electronic Newsletter
Student Electronic Newsletter
Senior Electronic Newsletter$23.00
Branford Greg Barker
Milford Greg
milfordobschair@asnh.orgMAGAZINE DISCOUNTS
ASNH Members can take advantage of a 10% discount on newsstand rates for both Sky and Telescope and Astronomy Magazines. Please contact the Treasurer to receive this benefit.
Publicity Donna Pursley
Librarian Dave Johnson
Membership Chair Cheryl Barker
Newsletter Jim Mazur
Webmasterr Greg Barker
Image Gallery Leo
gallery@asnh.orgSPECIAL INTEREST
Telescope Making Group Leader
Telescope Caretaker
Board Of Trustees
Andy Buynak
Ray Kaville
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Astronomy. If you know of anyone who would like to become a member, please have them complete an online application form at or print it out and mail payment to:
Treasurer, The Astronomical Society of New Haven
P.O. Box 5078
Milford, CT 06460
Please include:
- Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Special interest you might have in Astronomy (i.e., love to observe, want to learn, want to learn how to use my scope, etc.)
Category Archives: Uncategorized
First Quarter Newsletter 2012
Volume 76————————————-Issue 1——–———————————— 2012
Dear ASNH Club Members:
Welcome to the latest version of the Shooting Star. We’ve had a little intermission in publishing our newsletter, but are back and ready to keep our members informed once again. The Shooting Star will be a quarterly publication, with issues published on-line and in print April 1, July 1, October 1 and December 15 each year.
I also want to thank Bill Chellis for his hard work as the newsletter editor for the last few years. Unfortunately, due to his work schedule, he’s had to step down. Bill took the initiative to bring us into the 21st century, by creating ASNH Twitter and Facebook accounts. Bill made the newsletter look easy. We are definitely missing him already.
A lot has happened during the year since the last newsletter. Last year’s rain had us canceling many public events. The ones we did have were well attended by both the public and club member volunteers.
Speaking of volunteers…. Our calendar is already full of public and private events. All members are encouraged to attend. You do not need to own a telescope or be an expert in Astronomy to be helpful at these events. The more events you attend the more fun you’ll have and the more you will learn. We are going to have some events this year with lots of attendees and will need as many hands on deck as we can get. The more scopes and the more help we have managing the crowds the better. I look forward to seeing you there.
Best regards and clear skies Greg Barker Prez@asnh.org75th Anniversary
2012 marks the 75th anniversary for ASNH and we’re planning a bash later this year announcements will be sent out when we have everything finalized.
New Officers Elected at the Novermber General Meeting
These are the results from the November 29th, 2011 General Meeting election. All ran unopposed and were voted unanimously. Officers serve for a two year term. Members-at-large serve for one year. All terms began January 1, 2012, and were sworn in at the December 10th Solstice Dinner.
- Bob Carruthers, elected Secretary
- Matthew Baker, elected Treasurer
Members at Large
- Donna Pursley
- Alan Sacharow
- Al Washburn
Outgoing Officers
- Bill Chellis – Secretary Please thank Bill for his work for the last two years. Bill was very conscientious of cost and made sure that the equipment used for newsletters and mailings was efficient and cost effective. Bill’s work during special events like CSP was key to getting the word out in a timely and effective manner.
- Rich Gresham – Treasurer Please thank Rich for his work for the last two years. Rich kept our money safe and was a thrifty spender. Rich’s diligence handling the registration during CSP was key to our being able to run a successful event. Rich has also helped our club in starting the Car Donation program that has brought in almost $900 in its first year! Please go to ASNH Donations to see how you can donate your junker to raise money for ASNH.
New Lifetime Member
Harriet Katz has been a constant supporter of ASNH for over 30 years and was honored this year with a Lifetime Membership. Harriet was inducted at the November general meeting. Congratulations Harriet!!
Behind the scenes at ASNH!
2012 Messier Marathon by Cheryl Barker
We scheduled our Messier Marathon for four (4) days this March hoping for at least one good (clear sky) night. We reserved March 16, 17, 23 and 24 at The Edmund D. Strang Scout Camp in Goshen, CT. Fortunately for us, everything worked as planned and we were able to view exactly one night out of the four. We should all get extra points for being astronomers dealing with our fantastic New England weather.
March 16, 23 and 24 were all cancelled due to clouds/rain. March 17th was the one good night we had. Temperatures were mild (no gloves were needed), and the magnitude 6 sky was a little hazy with some high clouds coming in around midnight.
Attending were Greg Barker, Ray Kaville, Walt Kupson, Donna Pursley Al Washburn, Mike Zurick and I. All of us were able to locate 20+ objects with Greg Barker pulling in the night’s top number of 50. Al also viewed comet Garradd. Of course, Jupiter, Mars and Venus were some of our easiest non-messier targets of the evening.
I want to give a special call out to Donna and Mike who prepared our messier marathon checklists, brought a cook stove, food, drink, a heater and their willingness to step away from their scopes to help others (me) find objects. I also want to give Donna kudos for being the most prepared with a 3-ring binder of star charts and extracts from books and guides on the objects she wanted to find. And thanks to Al Washburn for setting us up with a warming tent as well.
Even though we were going to have a contest and compete against other area astronomy clubs, and they had proclaimed interest in a contest, no one attended from any other club. So I am proud to announce that The Astronomical Society of New Haven is the winner of our first official Astronomical Society of New Haven Messier Marathon Contest.
I look forward to next year’s competition and hope that more people can attend and challenge each other to find more objects…or just attend to have fun.